SF District Attorney

Victim Services


What is Restitution?

Restitution is an order made by the Judge as part of the defendant’s sentence that requires the defendant to repay the crime victim for losses suffered as a result of the defendant’s criminal conduct.

What is included in Restitution?

Restitution may include, but is not limited to: the replacement or repair cost of stolen or damaged property; funeral expenses; ambulance or hospital bills, counseling and therapy expenses; relocation expenses; and lost wages for time spent assisting the police or prosecution.

I got a letter about restitution in the mail. What do I do now?

In order to obtain restitution, the victim must provide the necessary documentation to support the claim. Here are simple steps for the victim to follow so that they can be repaid by the person who caused the harm:

  • Keep copies of bills, receipts, and expenses related to the crime.
  • Have the crime report number and the name of the offender.
  • Give copies and information to a Victim Advocate and they will make sure the information goes to the Restitution Specialist and the District Attorney’s Office