
Insurance Fraud

Insurance Fraud is a pervasive issue that affects the entire insurance industry, including consumers. It costs billions of dollars annually and impacts consumers through higher premiums. Consumers are impacted with increased premiums to cover the fraudulent claims and may face reduced coverage to mitigate the risk of fraud, limited availability and most important is the economic impact. This office is doing our part to maintain the integrity of the insurance industry, ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all policyholders, and safeguard financial stability. 

Through a comprehensive understanding and concerted effort, our dedicated prosecutors and trained investigators work closely with the California Department of Insurance, San Francisco Police Department, and National Insurance Crime Bureau to detect, investigate, and prosecute Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fraud, Auto Insurance Fraud, and Healthcare insurance fraud

SFDAI and our team of attorneys are at the forefront of community engagement and legal advocacy, offering training sessions and outreach initiatives. These efforts are crafted to tailor to diverse audiences: from the general public to private companies, labor unions, workers’ organizations and the insurance industry alike.  

If your organization is interested in receiving specialized training or our outreach services, please contact us via email at: