SF District Attorney

Press Releases


San Francisco, CA –  San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins announced today that her office secured a conviction of Fantasy Decuir (27) and Lamonte Mims (27) after trial by jury for a deadly 2017 shooting in Twin Peaks. Ms. Decuir was convicted of first-degree murder (PC 187(a)) with special circumstances (PC 190.2(a)(17)(A) and the personal and intentional use of a firearm causing death (PC 12022.53(d)) allegation was found true. She was also convicted of second-degree robbery (PC 211) with an allegation of the personal and intentional use of a firearm causing death (PC 12022.53(d)). Mr. Mims was convicted of first-degree murder (PC 187(a)) with special circumstances (PC 1902(a)(17)(A) and an allegation that a principal was armed with a firearm (PC 12022(a)(1)) was found true.

“I would like to thank the jury for their service in this trial,” said District Attorney Brooke Jenkins. “The jury’s verdict holds Ms. Decuir and Mr. Mims accountable for the cold-blooded murder of an elder in our community doing what he loved to do the morning he was killed in 2017. I would like to thank the friends and family of the victim for their trust and faith in my office and the criminal justice system to deliver justice in this case. While this family had to wait far too long, I am relieved that the system was able to deliver justice to them.”

According to testimony and other evidence presented at trial, on the morning of July 16, 2017, the 71-year-old victim, had gone to the Twin Peaks viewpoint area to take photographs of the City on his new Canon Mark III camera. While he was taking photographs, video surveillance cameras captured footage of Mr. Mims and Ms. Decuir approach and rob the victim at gunpoint. As Mr. Mims struggled to pull the camera bag away from the victim, Ms. Decuir shot him through the heart and right lung. After the victim was shot, Mr. Mims forcefully pulled the bag away and kicked him while he lay on the ground. The two defendants then fled the scene.

Evidence in the case showed that just over an hour after the murder, Ms. Decuir and Mr. Mims traveled to the area of 7th Street and Market Street and attempted to sell the stolen camera. Ultimately, the defendants were identified and located after working together to rob a pair of tourists of a camera and credit cards at gunpoint in the area of Cathedral Hill on July 28, 2017.

The case against Ms. Decuir and Mr. Mims was successfully prosecuted by Assistant District Attorneys Heather Trevisan and Aaron Laycook, with assistance from District Attorney Investigators Gino Guerrero, Omega Crum, paralegals Jessica Diamond Julio Flores Guzman and Hang Ngo, and IT support from Noaeh Pinaire. Victim advocate Samantha Greenhalgh worked closely with the victim’s family throughout the case. The Prosecution was able to present a strong case against Ms. Decuir and Mr. Mims based on the incredible work of Sergeant Mark Hutchings (retired) and the SFPD Homicide unit investigators whose work was instrumental in solving the case.

“The victim was ripped from the lives of his friends and family by this callous killing over a camera,” said Assistant District Attorney Aaron Laycook. “We are profoundly grateful for the jury’s thoughtful and deliberate consideration of the evidence in this case, and we hope their verdict brings some sense of justice and closure to the loved ones of the victim.”

Ms. Decuir and Mr. Mims are both currently in custody pending sentencing. Sentencing is scheduled for December 6, 2024.

Court Numbers: Decuir, 17011544, Mims, 17011543
