SF District Attorney

Press Releases


San Francisco, CA – San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins announced today that her office secured a conviction of Robert Christopher Curry (31), after a trial by jury for a mid-day burglary and assault in Pacific Heights. Mr. Curry was convicted of first-degree residential burglary (PC 459), assault with force likely to produce great bodily injury (PC 245(a)(4)) and theft (PC 484(a)). The jury also found true allegations that the burglary was a hot prowl (PC 667.5(c)(21) and that Mr. Curry had been previously convicted of a serious felony offense (PC 667(a)(1).

“The jury’s verdict holds Mr. Curry accountable for his brazen crimes,” said District Attorney Brooke Jenkins. “With justice served, my office will continue to do everything we can to protect the safety of the public and ensure that there are consequences for criminal behavior.”

According to evidence and other testimony presented at trial on June 20, 2023, at approximately 11:30 AM Mr. Curry committed a residential burglary by entering an attached garage on the 2800 block of Sacramento Street while the homeowner was present in the residence and then assaulted a person completing a job nearby. Mr. Curry observed the homeowner moving personal property from the steps of his residence into the attached garage and followed the homeowner into the garage. After he was unable to take any property from the homeowner, he approached another person, who was returning to his van after completing a job in the neighborhood.

As the man was getting back in his van, Mr. Curry pushed him and punched him in his jaw, causing him to fall to the ground, become dizzy, resulting in bruising and swelling. While the victim was on the ground, Mr. Curry grabbed the victim’s car keys and his work cell phone. San Francisco Police arrived within minutes and promptly arrested Mr. Curry and returned the victim’s property.

The case was successfully prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Angela Roze, with assistance from District Attorney Investigator Doug Keely, paralegal Aareona Miles and IT support from Noaeh Pinaire. The case was successfully prosecuted based on the thorough investigation of the San Francisco Police Department’s Northern Station and the ongoing participation from the victims.

“I am thankful for the jury’s time and attentiveness in this case.,” said Assistant District Attorney Angela Roze. “This verdict brings justice to the victims, who were just going about their daily activities when they were blindsided by the defendant. Nobody deserves to have the privacy of their home invaded or to be attacked and have their property stolen while trying to get in their car.”

Mr. Curry is currently in custody. He faces up to eleven years and eight months in state prison for his crimes. Sentencing is scheduled for May 13, 2024.

Court Number: 23009167
